As we build this site we'll add remote learning material on a number of important topics. In addition, we'll build on Lee Silber's long list of topics which we'll turn into live and recorded webinars, videos, and on-demand training tools.
Lead Trainers
Lee Silber will lead a group of speakers who can deliver presentations and programs on a number of different topics in a diverse range of formats. The focus will be in helping remote workers succeed, but that covers a lot of ground.
Topics: Working Remotely, Efficiency, Innovation, Organizing, Slide Design, Communication, Leadership, and Generations
Contact: leesilber@leesilber.com
Topics: Productivity, Motivation, Focus, Forming Good Habits, Time Management
Contact: ellen@ellengoodwin.com
Topics: Leadership, Team Building, Auctioneer, Event Management, Association Management
Contact: joseph.diehl@gmail.com
We are looking to add speakers. Contact us if you think you'd be a good fit for this site.