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Product of the Month

For the record, I own this chair, love it, and don't get a dime for recommending it. As you'll read below, rarely does a product exceed expectations like this one did. I would have paid more for this chair, but I'm glad I didn't have to.

Office Chair

Anyone can find a quality office chair that is attractive, comfortable, and well built. But to find one at a reasonable price (a bargain, really) is harder to do. This chair checks all the boxes.


It's sturdy, light, and ergonomic. It was also really easy to assemble. It took me less than five minutes to put it together. Once I was done putting the few parts that needed screwing on and sat in it the first time I knew, this was the chair for me.


Of course I like the way it looks—and it looks like it costs more than $124.00. It also breathes, so on those hot summer days it was welcome relief to not have a leather chair. Last, and not least, I love that it reclines for naps and big thinking.   



Lee Silber's preferred chair for the home office.

- Made by Diplex
- Available From Amazon

- $124.00 

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