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They say success is all about who you know. We agree, but with a twist. What if you simply knew the person who knew everyone—and we could connect you. That's our aim. If you need help with something, just ask. We know some people.


We have a team of experienced designers who can create a cool looking logo, slide deck, book cover, or website for a reasonable fee.


If you need compelling content or want custom copy, let award-winning writer Lee Silber or one of his long list of vetted writers write for you.


For many of us the hardest thing to do is market, promote, and sell ourselves and our work. We have experts who can help you do it better or do it for you.


If need someone to talk to, bounce ideas off, or push you to get your project started or completed, we have coaches who consults on business and life.

Lee Silber started out as a designer, then taught design to others around the country for over a decade. Lee has won 12 awards for literary excellence and is the author of 25 books. As the founder of five companies, Lee knows a lot about a lot of things when it comes to business.


With all of his accomplishments, Lee keeps his hourly rate very reasonable.

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