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Slide Decks

Each month we'll share a slide deck from a presentation by Lee or one of the other speakers we work with. Our hope is you will learn something new and learn a little about each speaker—who are available to speak to your group . . . hint, hint. 

This Month's Slides

The Power of Wow! This presentation is about how to make every interaction with others a wow moment. It's about customer service . . . and more. This 90-minute program was for employees front he City of Glendale and guests. 


Originally, there were 300 slides. I know, that seems like a huge number, but it worked. However, the file was enormous so I trimmed the slides to include just the active ideas and main points. (I cut the fluff.)

That said, there were a lot of funny slides that go with the live performance (in case you wanted to invite me to do it for your group.(I'm just sayin'.) 

The Power of Wow.001.jpeg

Just click the above image and you can sift through the entire slide deck. This was a customized webinar for AGST, an organization that provides training of all kinds for organizations big and small.


- Custom Webinar
- Presenter and Slide Designer Lee Silber

- Delivered in 2021

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